Learn all about 'Copyright, copyleft and everything in between'
Ever wondered what copyright is - or what belongs to the public domain?
If you are an artist -
probably you did think of the rights you have as the creator - but have you thought about the rights of your fans - should they be allowed to download some of your songs - or should they be allowed to use parts of your song and mix it with their own compositions?
Luckily there are great easy-to-read multimedia materials and comics available to help you to learn the basics.
Creative Commons site has a collection of movies and comics.
Or you can watch the
Creative Commons South Africa flash movie.
Then there is the Learning Commons' flash movie called
'Copyright, copyleft and everything in between'
- it explains all about open source / open content concepts.
Another great comic book I discovered on the Creative Commons blog: "Bound by law" - released by the Duke Law School's Center for Study of the Public Domain.
By the time you finish reading / listening to all of these - you will definitely have a much better idea what license to choose for your book or song.
All of the above are freely available as free downloads and are all available at the OpenCafe - just bring a blank CD!
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